Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March 14, 2007

After several attempts for a "good" picture,

we finally gave up and went for Crazy!

I think I like this better anyway :)


JaMie HeApS said...

I'M SO EXCITED!!! I had been waiting for the clark famly to jump into the blog world. i'm going to love all the updated photos and storys. you kids are so cute i'm sure its hard to get a pic. i can just imageine what bret was doing behind the camera. xoxo jamie

Kelly said...

Oh we are so happy to see the Clarks have joined in on the blogging thing! It is so fun to see the Monkeys. Shawn looks so big! Im excited to hold him.. and tell him all about his Favorite Auntie Kelly
We Love you guys, Kelly

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Hi Nicole, it's Courtney. I just followed some links and here you are too!
Yay! This almost completes the whole family. When do Tom & Gwen join in? Maybe a blog called "Notes From The Ranch" or something...

Kim said...

Yeah!!! I'm so glad that you got started. Your picture cute! We love our Clark Cousins!!!