My favorite things about today:
1 - NO SCHOOL! Having my kids all to myself .
2 - Going for a 2 mile walk with all the kids . . . Jenny and Katy rollerblading, Tyler Rip-Sticking and Shawn riding in the stroller. No one complained, the weather was perfect, and I got my exercise in for the day. We all jumped in the car when we got back to "clock" how far we went. . . watching the numbers tick with each turn and guessing the final distance!
3 - Working out in the yard . . . Tyler helping me with an extra job while talking about Harry Potter, Katy jumping in the shower all by herself so she could make it to a birthday party on time.
4 - Listening to the kids laugh and play while they climb our apple tree, make a zip-line in our backyard, play tug-of-war with a rope and pull each other in the wagon around the block.
5 - Katy praying at lunch-time that everyone will be safe when she goes to her birthday party today! :)
6 - Shawn wanting to see his superman picture on the blog 50 million times and listen to "his song"on I-Tunes.
7 - Stitching on my quilt block for tomorrow and anticipating what the next block will be like.
8 - Thinking about the book I'm reading and wanting to curl up and read more.
9 - Hearing Bret's footsteps come in the door and knowing it's him before he comes around the corner.
10 - Feeling the excitement in the air for Easter weekend.
I couldn't have asked for a better day!