Wednesday, May 7, 2008

After-School-Snack by Candlelight?

Jenny and Tyler got home today right as a storm hit. (Tyler even asked the bus driver to pull right up to our house so he wouldn't get so wet. WHAT A NUT!) They ran in the house as fast as they could, and I decided today was probably a good day for hot, fresh chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven for an after-school-snack. We listened to the loud cracks of thunder and watched the rain pour down while the cookies baked. The power flashed off a few times during the storm and we wondered if we were going to loose our power. When they cookies were done, Tyler suggested that we light a candle and pretend that the power went out. Jenny pulled out some "campfire songs" and we sang a little "John Jacob Jinglehimer Schmit" while we ate our yummy snack. There's nothing like being a little crazy every once in a while!
There's something about a storm that just makes you want to snuggle up with those you love. It was fun!


JaMie HeApS said...

what a fun afternoon i could go for some hot cookies by candle light only one problem my little monkeys would be fighting over who could blow it out fastest, dam.

Kim said...

That was quite a storm. The down pour was kind of fun and the smell was the best. Glad Ty had the bus driver give him front door service.

Gwen said...

Wish I still lived next door to you I would have loved the cookies and candles. It is so wonderful to connect with you!!!!I love to know about your lives.
xoxoxoxGrandma C.

Kelly said...

P-A-R-T-Y! My kids would be in Heaven! I'm gunna have to try that one out one of these days! Ty Love houw your WORKEN it! Heck If the bus driver will drop you off right at your front door I'd ask him to do it everyday!