Now I know that a countdown is normal for me to do with my own kids' and their birthdays, but I don't usually consciously count down days for my nieces and nephews. But for some reason this cute Kade (as you can see from the great picture above)has been on my mind.
I've thought several times this morning about when we can call Kade to sing "Happy Birthday" so that our time zones would match up okay. But by the time we woke up this morning, Kade was already at school.
And then it hit me. While I was doing the dishes this morning I realized why Kade has been on my mind. He's turning eight! and that's not just like any other birthday. Eight is a big one for Kade because he's going to be baptized in a couple weeks.
I don't know why we have different thoughts about loved ones at different times like we do, but for some reason I could feel that this was an extra special one for Kade. I'm so happy for him.
Kade, we love you. We are so proud of you for choosing to be baptized. Grandma and Grandpa Clark told us that they get to come see you for your baptism, and we think that is great. You will have so much fun having them there with you. They love you so much.
We hope you have an extra fun birthday today in that yummy, Florida sun. We want you to know that we love you and we're thinking about you.
Happy Birthday Kade!