We can't imagine what our lives would be like without him. (Jenny's sitting by me while I write this and she says, "Yeah we do, Mom. It would be boring!") I love her.
We love our Dad for so many things:
- His jokes - Jenny
- He takes us bowling - Katy
- He comes to my Coach Pitch Games and helps me - Tyler
- He helps us with our art projects at school - Jenny
- He gives the best back tickles - Katy
- He takes us to Nickle-Cade - Jenny
- He smokes the best ribs - Jenny
- He takes us to Jazz games - Jenny, Tyler
- He takes us out for Ice Cream - Katy
- He likes to watch T.V. shows with us like American Gladiators - Jenny
- He likes to play XBOX/Star Wars with me - Tyler
- He takes good care of us - Katy
- He likes to play football in our yard - Jenny
- He is an amazing cook
- He plays games with us - Katy
- He goes on lunch dates while the kids are at school and every Saturday Night
- He takes good care of our yard and home
- He takes us out on the boat - Jenny, Katy
- He gives great foot rubs
- He wrestles with us - Jenny
- He takes us for Four-Wheeler rides in Wallsburg - Katy
- He loves the Food Network Channel
- He likes to play in the waves with us at Laguna Beach - Jenny
- He makes yummy Peanut Butter Cups - Katy
- He wrestles with me - Shawn
- He takes us on Sunday Drives
- He makes the kids do back, arm, feet, and leg Tickle Contests
- He tells us to "get a good education" when he takes us to school - Jenny, Tyler
- He asks me if I "Shook my Booty" EVERYTIME he picks me up from dance - Jenny
- He loves us - Katy
- He lets me help him fix up our Rentals - Tyler
- I love to give him hugs and kisses -Shawn
- He is a hard worker
- He's an amazing swimmer
- He has a great sense of humor
- He always looks for the good in things
- He loves to read
- He is patient with me
- He honors his priesthood responsibilities
- He dreams big
- He is smart - He knows about everything
- He provides a wonderful home for our family
- He sets good goals and reaches high
- He encourages us to do what is right
- He's a good decision maker
- He loves his wife
- He is so handsome!
- He is very generous and is always willing to help others.
We love you, Dad!
You are the Best!